Monday, December 28, 2009

Sites that are illegal?

Okay how do I report the person/webmaster that is behind this certain celebs myspace account for running it illigally without the celebs permission? You really can't see the profile since it's on private and may others are ticked they are being denied as well because he will only add female fans(andj judges peoples pictures and just adds sexy women) and not males and hois myspace could be run illegally without his permission. What should be done? Should the publicist.agent be notified? thanks. I know some celebs are fake, but with this celeb/it's possibly the webmaster doing all this, I feel that there should be at least something that could be done. If anyone knows also what happens to the webmaster(which we think it's his doing with the decrimination not adding all fans, etc and not the actors fault) and the profile that would be great. I hope no one will end up iin goign to court though over this. thanks. :D

Sites that are illegal?

It seems MySpace would be the contact that could do something about that here. That's one problem with the internet, you can basically throw anything you want out there. Probably not much could be done legally to make the person discontinue the site unless the actual celebrity catches wind of it and pursues a cease and desist order. If the website isn't doing anything illegal or immoral, it may not be worth their money. Good luck, good post!

Sites that are illegal?

E-mail the myspace webmaster and report them.

Sites that are illegal?

report to

good luck

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