Thursday, December 24, 2009

Celebrities personal myspace?

k.i have a celeb's official personal myspace and i know for a fact it is the real deal.the person only has 3 friends and i wanna add this person but should i do it?i got it from a person on here and it had proof it was real.should i add him/her?or not?

Celebrities personal myspace?

Go for it. What's the worst that can happen, right?

Celebrities personal myspace?

Of course. Why would you even think twice not to?

Celebrities personal myspace?

sureee...why not.

who is it though?

Celebrities personal myspace?

heres miley real deal

Celebrities personal myspace?

Does it matter....It's just MYSPACE

Celebrities personal myspace?

why not?

Celebrities personal myspace?

go for it

please answer my question:;...

Celebrities personal myspace?

Yeah, why not? Who is it btw?

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