Saturday, November 21, 2009

Plz look at this.....?

i just got a celebs email and myspace!it was personal too!not a poser,i know for a fact!plz give me a star if u r excited for me!thanx!!!=]

Plz look at this.....?

who is it!?

Plz look at this.....?

im not

Plz look at this.....?

resly! wich celeberity is it!

Plz look at this.....?

you don't deserve a star

the email is a poser

its not a personal email

Plz look at this.....?

what makes you think we care?

Plz look at this.....?

who is it?

Plz look at this.....?

Um if it is the Jonas Brothers then can u tell me their email but if not .... them um yea i don't really care that much.

But Mazel Tov!!

Plz look at this.....?

Liar ........Get stuffed

Plz look at this.....?

It depends on who it is and why you really want to meet or talk to them.

I am happy for you.

Plz look at this.....?

* yay you

Plz look at this.....?

Sorry I can't relate. I have dealt with celebs and they seem just like and non celeb. Do a little work in Park City during the film festival and you can't help it. I even did work for Robert Redford and he had all of the crew wear yellow t-shirts that said "I am a child of Bob."

Plz look at this.....?

it was probably a fake person making a profile for some celeb theyre obsessed with, sorry to burst your bubble, but it wasnt real, i doubt a celeb would have a open profile anyways! if they did it would be private!

Plz look at this.....?

Ppl he has Miley Cyrus'. Oh and i'mjustakid can you please email me at my Yahoo address! K? Thankssss!

Plz look at this.....?

kool..which cleb??

Plz look at this.....?

i gave you one :].

lol who's is it ?

Plz look at this.....?


Plz look at this.....?

and who is this celeb that definately is NOT a poser ?

How can you be sure?

Plz look at this.....?

I doubt it but who is it? I may be able to tell you if ir IS a poser. I have seen SOOOOO many posers that are really good but they were in fact posers. (Look in magazines...they tell you)

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