Monday, November 30, 2009

Celeb. Myspace?

hey everybody i was just wondering that if kid celebertys such as Miley Cyrus are alowed to have a myspace or not. thx

Celeb. Myspace?

Yea They Can!! Why Did she deny your friend request?? lol

Celeb. Myspace?

People can lie about their age to get a myspace account. A 4 year old could get myspace and it wouldn't even care.

Celeb. Myspace?

anyone can get a myspace regardless of there age....they just got to lie about it and its not like anyone checks so yeah

Celeb. Myspace?

Kid Celebs lie about their age probably so they can have a myspace. And they probably want a myspace to meet their fans and make new friends! Duh!

Celeb. Myspace?

Vanessa Hudgens and Ashley Tisdale has one!

Celeb. Myspace?

Anyone is allowed, but their are restrictions

Celeb. Myspace?

miley doesn't have myspace but she has xanga

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