Monday, November 30, 2009

Myspace q?

some ****** hacked/deleted my account? I was on, I just try to get a page, suddenly I am logged out. Then I can't log back in. I was having password troubles, and security issues. I later tried finding my e-mail address, it's gone. My question is how long does it take to get a response? Has any1 ever done it? Have they gotten back to ypu? I guess not. I haven't heard from the ******* in days. I am goin outta my mind, cuz I don't even know what happened to my account. I had everything on there, friends, and celebs, pics, blogs. It was my one main account. Are my blogs gone? I am rather pissed.

Myspace q?

Well when you click on the messages in your "inbox" from ppl u dont know, there hacks! your done now! make a new one or keep up the complains with myspace.

Myspace q?

well my friend Christian had his account hacked and delete before he just creates a new one

Myspace q?

Tom probably deleted your account or you fell for those lame bulletins where you have trackers or w/e.

Just chill out and make a new one.

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